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BattleBit Remastered

BattleBit Remastered est un FPS low-poly, multijoueur, supportant jusqu'à 254 joueurs par serveur.

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Space Engineers

Rejoignez le système d'Alpha Century

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Prêt a sauvé le monde en détruisant le météore ?

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This site is the property of the non-profit Royal Multi Gamers Law 1901 Association.

In accordance with the relative regulations, we inform you that:

Association Royal Multi Gamers
60230 Chambly

Site on CMS :
Invision Community

Hosting, Dedicated Servers and Domain Name:
2 rue Kellerman
BP 80157

These legal notices apply to all platforms in .clan-rmg.com


The Site as well as any software necessarily used in connection with it may contain confidential information protected by the intellectual property rights in force or any other laws.

The Site is an intellectual work protected by French and international legislation in force on copyright and intellectual, literary and artistic property and other similar rights. All elements composing it, such as, but not exclusively, brands, models, logos, images, texts, sounds and other documents, are protected by intellectual property rights and are the exclusive property of the Royal Multi association. Gamers.
All brands that are referenced on the Site are trademarks protected by registrations in the name of their respective owners. Thus any distribution, copy, duplication, modification, transfer, representation or reproduction, in whole or in part, of the Site or any of the elements which compose it, in any manner and for any reason whatsoever, is expressly prohibited, same as their alteration. Failure to comply with this prohibition may constitute an act of counterfeiting for which the author is liable.

It is also prohibited to copy, modify, create a derivative work, reverse design or assembly or otherwise attempt to discover the source code (except as permitted by law), sell, assign, under -license or transfer in any way any rights relating to the Site.


ACCESS TO THE SITE, The user of the Site acknowledges having the skills and means necessary to access and use the Site. He also acknowledges having read these legal notices and undertakes to respect them.
The user also acknowledges being informed that the Site is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with the exception of cases of force majeure as defined by French case law, difficulties linked to telecommunications networks or other technical difficulties. For maintenance reasons, the Royal Multi Gamers association may interrupt access to the Site and will endeavor to notify users in advance. The Royal Multi Gamers association cannot be held responsible for any damage, direct or indirect, resulting from access to the Site and that of its partners, or on the contrary from the inability to access it. The Royal Multi Gamers association cannot be held responsible in the event of misuse of the Site by a user.

QUALITY OF INFORMATION The information provided on the Site is for informational purposes. The Royal Multi Gamers association takes the greatest care and implements all means to disseminate quality information on the Site. The Royal Multi Gamers association cannot, however, absolutely guarantee the accuracy and completeness of all of this information. Thus, the Royal Multi Gamers association, subject to an obligation of means, cannot be held responsible for any damage, direct or indirect, due to information that is misused and/or which proves to be inaccurate or incomplete or for all damage resulting from intrusion by a third party.

HYPERTEXT LINKS – ACCESS TO THIRD PARTY SITES The creation of hypertext links to the Site can only be done with the prior written authorization of the Royal Multi Gamers association. The hypertext links set up within the framework of the Site towards other resources present on the Internet network cannot engage the responsibility of the Royal Multi Gamers association, these being communicated for convenience to facilitate the information of the audience. Consequently, to the extent that the Royal Multi Gamers association cannot control these sites, the Royal Multi Gamers association cannot be held responsible for the provision of these sites, and cannot bear any responsibility for the content, advertising , products, services or any other material available on or from these sites.


In accordance with the provisions of Law No. 98-536 of July 1, 1998, transposing into the Intellectual Property Code Directive 96/9/EC of March 11, 1996, concerning the legal protection of databases, the Royal association Multi Gamers is the producer of its database, accessible on this site, and of which it is the sole owner.
By accessing this site, you acknowledge that the data composing it are legally protected and, in accordance with the provisions of the law of July 1, 1998, you are prohibited in particular from extracting, reusing, storing, reproducing, representing or conserving, directly or indirectly. , on any medium, by any means and in any form whatsoever, all or qualitatively or quantitatively substantial part of the site to which you access as well as to extract or repeatedly and systematically reuse parts qualitatively and quantitatively not substantial when these operations clearly exceed normal conditions of use.
The Royal Multi Gamers association ensures the protection of personal data transmitted by users.

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), by registering you consent to the information you provide being stored for identification purposes. The following information is kept on all our platforms:

IP address on our website (https://www.clan-rmg.com)
Email address and IP on our forum (http://www.clan-rmg.com/) as well as all content posted by the user.
IP address, unique ID3 on our Teamspeak (ts3.clan-rmg.com) and for people with permissions: email address, Steam ID, in-game username and possibly age. This information is saved.
Pseudonym, surname, first name, address, date of birth, email address, STEAM ID, Origin ID, profession, amount and means of payment of donations for those registered on our site.
The nickname and Steam ID for registrants https://www.clan-rmg.com/profile/id-pseudo/
Forum administrators and managers have access to this information except specifically for those registered on the page https://www.clan-rmg.com/ where only people who have signed a specific confidentiality agreement have access, namely a few managers and the members of the office. All this data is kept for an unlimited period but is used only for and by the Royal Multi Gamers association.

For any request for recovery, deletion or anonymization of data, please contact us at the email address contact@clan-rmg.com.


The Royal Multi Gamers association may be required to modify its General Terms and Conditions and Legal Notices.



RNA number W604008630

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